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Aaron Ramsey of Cardiff City

Aaron Ramsey opens up on Cardiff City dream and impressive start to the season

Cardiff City star Aaron Ramsey has been speaking ahead of his return from a more than three-month injury layoff. The midfielder started the season excellently after his fairytale return, but he has spent recent months on the sidelines.

Now said to be close to a return, Ramsey has been speaking with England365 about the season so far and his return to South Wales after 15 years away with Arsenal, Juventus and others.

“It’s great to be back where it all started. I always knew I would come back one day and now is the perfect time to come home and help Cardiff get back to where I think it should be,” he said.

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“I feel like I’ve never really left, everyone is great. Obviously there are a lot of new faces, but some are still here, just like they were 15 years ago.”

Cardiff are currently performing above expectations, just three points outside the playoffs, and with a dream of promotion with his boyhood club, Ramsey is pleased with the start he and his teammates have put together.

“I think we started the season well,” he added. “The last two years have been difficult, so the progress we have made in a short period of time has been very positive. We can still improve, but I think we’ve taken a positive step forward.

“Of course, that will be the dream. I would love to help Cardiff get back into the Premier League, where I believe this club should be. We know it’s difficult to get out of this division, the Championship, but we’ll give everything we can to make it happen.”

Jamie is a football journalist who works full-time in the industry. He is a lifelong Cardiff City fan and the author of 'Bluebird Heaven'.